Thursday, November 3, 2011

The High-Wire. But Without A Net!

#5 - David Hawkins [Director/DOP]

As a cinematographer I have no fear of filming: The bigger the challenge, the more exciting the project. But as a wannabe director I had a major phobia. Actors. They terrified me. Cameras don't talk back.

So in an attempt to overcome this terror I put on my swagger and called in Chester and Frank for a rehearsal. But not just any old rehearsal; I took them to the local shopping centre for some Method style character development. Each of them had to 'perform' a lap of the mall emotionally reacting to their fellow shoppers and discovering how it felt to be their character.

This was actually a successful outing until we were set upon by a dogged elder lady who swore that she knew Frank, and continued to do so even after we told her that she may have seen him on TV. It took a random passerby weighing in on this conversation to convince the old dear that he wasn't a long-lost-grandson.

Alright checklist:
Two actors
One producer
One DOP with an ego complex
And a script idea
(oh yeah... and a victory over an Old-lady)
Practically finished.

Or so I thought until days later I received a phone call from Chester, whilst I was sitting on the ceramic throne (that's a toilet for anyone who suddenly thinks that I am the heir to the Caroma fortune). Heavy with guilt he proceeded to eek out that he could no longer be in the film as he couldn't commit the time needed.

I listened. I breathed. I think I screamed a little. And then I phoned my Producer.

My all-knowing Producer Kate can take over from here, in the next installment of Making Bound By Blue (also known as - Perhaps Working At McDonalds Is A Viable Career Option).

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